Are you ‘bond’ to communicate effectively?

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A 2 days/1 night communication camp organized by Pine Academy Group of Companies has been successfully held at Sabah Tea Garden, Kg Nalapak, Ranau. This communication camp was fully sponsored by Bond University and in collaboration with Pine Academy.

This communication camp was held with the purpose to improve students’ communication skills in English. Ms. Elaine Kong (Director, EPIC Consultancy), as the invited speakers was showing the students on the skills to convey their message in an accurate and effective way. Meanwhile Ms. Carla Tompkins from Bond University (Australia) has also given a talk to the students in regarding to the information of furthering their tertiary education. By this, the students can have an opportunity to know more up close and to discover their path in furthering their studies and also to create awareness as to the courses offered by Bond University.

There were altogether 30 students participated in this communication camp. They all came from different secondary schools, namely Seri Insan, SMK Lok Yuk, K.K. High, St. Francis Convent. T

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